RETURNED 2/25/2022 (312-960)
Entity Name: RETURNED 2/25/2022 (312-960) |
HNI Code: 312-960 |
Entity Type: None |
Protocol: None |
Wireless License Number: WQPC846 |
License Date: April 10, 2012 |
Proof of License: None |
The applicant must certify that the HNI will be used for mobile applications, and the service provided will have at least two of the following characteristics (check two): None |
List of Special Considerations: None |
Effective Date: November 5, 2015 |
Deployment Date: June 1, 2015 |
Modification Date: None |
Return Date: February 25, 2022 |
Approval Status: Pending |
Book Tab: None |
Notes: Assigned to M&A Technology November 5, 2015. Returned 2-25-22. M&A Technology, Inc. 2045 Chenault Dr. Carrollton, TX 75006 Val Overbey CTO 972-490-5803 (tel) 972-490-0616 (fax) |
Application Contact Details |
Contact Name: None |
Contact Title: None |
Company: None |
Address: None |
City: None |
State: None |
ZIP Code: None |
Country: None |
Phone: None |
Email: None |
Billing Contact Details |
Contact Name: None |
Contact Title: None |
Company: None |
Address: None |
City: None |
State: None |
ZIP Code: None |
Country: None |
Phone: None |
Email: None |