Cross Wireless LLC dba Bravado Wireless (313-010)
Entity Name: Cross Wireless LLC dba Bravado Wireless |
HNI Code: 313-010 |
Entity Type: Provider of a service profile management system |
Protocol: LTE/LTE Advanced |
Wireless License Number: WQGT855 CMA601 |
License Date: April 16, 2007 |
Proof of License: None |
The applicant must certify that the HNI will be used for mobile applications, and the service provided will have at least two of the following characteristics (check two): None |
List of Special Considerations: None |
Effective Date: April 7, 2016 |
Deployment Date: None |
Modification Date: None |
Return Date: None |
Approval Status: Pending |
Book Tab: None |
Notes: 9/6/23: Cross Wireless LLC dba Sprocket Wireless changed to Cross Wireless LLC dba Bravado Wireless 9/18/24: updated contact email to and added Shirrell Wiggins |
Application Contact Details |
Contact Name: Nick Martin |
Contact Title: Wireless Device Technician |
Company: Cross Wireless LLC dba Bravado Wireless |
Address: 704 3rd Ave |
City: Warner |
State: Oklahoma |
ZIP Code: 74469 |
Country: None |
Phone: 9183917237 |
Email: |
Billing Contact Details |
Contact Name: Shirrell Wiggins |
Contact Title: None |
Company: None |
Address: None |
City: None |
State: None |
ZIP Code: None |
Country: None |
Phone: None |
Email: |