East Kentucky Network, LLC dba Appalachian Wireless (310-750)
Entity Name: East Kentucky Network, LLC dba Appalachian Wireless |
HNI Code: 310-750 |
Entity Type: ANSI-41 CDMA-BASED |
Protocol: |
Wireless License Number: KNKN809 |
License Date: August 28, 2001 |
Proof of License: None |
The applicant must certify that the HNI will be used for mobile applications, and the service provided will have at least two of the following characteristics (check two): None |
List of Special Considerations: None |
Effective Date: December 8, 2005 |
Deployment Date: December 9, 2005 |
Modification Date: None |
Return Date: None |
Approval Status: None |
Book Tab: None |
Notes: Previously assigned to Motorola SMR, Inc. on 3/2/98. See record at 1-27. RECLAIMED 3/12/01. Reassigned to Barbados 3/31/03. Returned to available pool 6/8/05 due to resolution of roaming conflict issue. |
Application Contact Details |
Contact Name: Dannis Brown |
Contact Title: Roaming Coordinator |
Company: East Kentucky Network, LLC dba Appalachian Wireless |
Address: 101 Technology Trail |
City: Ivel |
State: KY |
ZIP Code: 41642 |
Country: None |
Phone: 606-477-2355 X162 |
Email: dbrown@ekn.com |
Billing Contact Details |
Contact Name: None |
Contact Title: None |
Company: None |
Address: None |
City: None |
State: None |
ZIP Code: None |
Country: None |
Phone: None |
Email: None |