James Valley Wireless, LLC (310-920)
Entity Name: James Valley Wireless, LLC |
HNI Code: 310-920 |
Entity Type: CDMA based mobile wireless service with home network in northeastern South Dakota. The license is owned by James Valley Cooperative Telephone Company and leased to James Valley Wireless, LLC. A copy of the FCC lease certification is being faxed along with the license. |
Protocol: |
Wireless License Number: KNLG962 |
License Date: March 26, 2007 |
Proof of License: None |
The applicant must certify that the HNI will be used for mobile applications, and the service provided will have at least two of the following characteristics (check two): None |
List of Special Considerations: James Valley Wireless has 10-digit MIN's. |
Effective Date: October 6, 2010 |
Deployment Date: None |
Modification Date: None |
Return Date: None |
Approval Status: None |
Book Tab: None |
Notes: Previously assigned to Powertel, Inc. on 6/29/99 and never used. Powertel merged with Voicestream Wireless and Voicestream returned code on 8/6/01. See record at 2-7. Reassigned 9/9/03 to Cable & Wireless Antigua but returned to available pool 6/16/05 due to resolution of roaming conflicts. Reassigned to Get Mobile 10/11/06. Reclaimed 01/14/2008 for non-deployment. See record at 7-5. |
Application Contact Details |
Contact Name: James Groft |
Contact Title: None |
Company: James Valley Wireless |
Address: 235 E 1st Ave |
City: Groton |
State: SD |
ZIP Code: 57445 |
Country: None |
Phone: 6053972323 |
Email: jgroft@nvc.net |
Billing Contact Details |
Contact Name: None |
Contact Title: None |
Company: None |
Address: None |
City: None |
State: None |
ZIP Code: None |
Country: None |
Phone: None |
Email: None |