SI Wireless LLC (314-510)
Entity Name: SI Wireless LLC |
HNI Code: 314-510 |
Entity Type: Public Network Operator (commercial or government, or its authorized agent operating as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO)) offering mobility services in the U.S. with a need to roam onto/from commercial networks or, |
Protocol: LTE/LTE Advanced |
Wireless License Number: WRVK354 |
License Date: December 1, 2022 |
Proof of License: 3725 |
The applicant must certify that the HNI will be used for mobile applications, and the service provided will have at least two of the following characteristics (check two): ["Access to a service profile management system \u2013 Service profile management is the ability to access and manipulate a service profile. The user, the subscriber or the provider can perform service profile management.","Terminal Mobility \u2013 The ability of a terminal to access telecommunication services from different locations and while in motion, and the capability of the network to identify and locate that terminal."] |
List of Special Considerations: We have multiple Call Signs if you need them, just let me know. |
Effective Date: September 8, 2023 |
Deployment Date: None |
Modification Date: None |
Return Date: None |
Approval Status: Approved |
Book Tab: None |
Notes: None |
Application Contact Details |
Contact Name: Charley Karnes |
Contact Title: Network Ops Mgr/Network Enginees |
Company: SI Wireless, LLC |
Address: 1378 North Cavalier Drive |
City: Alamo |
State: TN |
ZIP Code: 38001 |
Country: United States of America |
Phone: 7316954859 |
Email: |
Billing Contact Details |
Contact Name: Leslie Williams |
Contact Title: Accounts Payable |
Company: SI Wireless LLC |
Address: PO Box 8826 |
City: Columbia |
State: SC |
ZIP Code: 38001 |
Country: United States of America |
Phone: 803-386-9368 |
Email: |